Mae caru Mhrynwr mawr, Mae edrych ar ei wedd, Yn bleser mwyaf sydd I'w gael tu yma'r bedd: O gariad rhad, O gariad drud, Sydd fil o weithiau'n fwy na'r byd! Enynodd ynof dân O gariad pur y nef; 'Dall neb ei ddiffodd chwaith Tra credwyf ynddo Ef: Mae'i lais, mae'i wedd, mae rhîn ei waed, Yn troi ngelynion dan fy nhraed. Bydd di yn gymhorth pur I'm henaid ddydd a nos; Fy holl ddyddanwch gwir Fo'n tarddu o waed y groes: Dystewi wnaf, mae trysor mwy Na fedd y byd mewn marwol glwy'.William Williams 1717-91
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Loving a great Redeemer, Looking upon his face Is the greatest pleasure there is To be had this side of the grave: O free love, O costly love, Which is a thousand times greater than the world! Kindle in me a fire Of the pure love of heaven; That no-one can extinguish either While I believe in Him: His voice is, His face is, the virtue of his blood is, Turning enemies under my feet. Be thou a pure help To my soul day and night; All my true comfort Be issuing from the blood of the cross: Be silent I shall, there is greater treasure Than the world possesses in a mortal 2017 Richard B Gillion |
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